

你要找的是 学习管理系统(LMS) 这将无缝地融入你的公司. 一个简单的网络搜索会产生无数的功能和销售点. 人们很容易被广泛的比较表所吸引, 但是——我怀着爱和亲身经历这么说——不要这么做.

我是怎么知道的? Hi! 丽塔·阿泽维多报道, former Head of Learning at Klarna 和 now 战略学习伙伴经理 at bwin足球平台. 在我之前的L&我已经评估了50多个LMS提供商, 所以我学到了很多关于找到合适伴侣的最好方法, spoiler alert – it isn’t by making a spreadsheet with lots of colors 和 filters.


超越报告功能. 让有远见的.

在我的经验中,最令人兴奋和有效的L&D程序不是在筛选了一长串的功能后创建的, 评估工具或游戏化功能. L&真正提供卓越成果的D课程提供了学习者的参与, 支持学习者进步, 增加知识的留存. 最好的学习管理系统支持这些成果, 提供我们知道我们的学习者应得的学习文化愿景.

听起来有点太有抱负了? 不是这样的! 愿景优先的方法可以拯救您 短期和长期的时间和金钱. So ask where the providers plan to be in 5 years, request to see the product roadmap. 问他们是什么让他们进入了学习行业. Have a sense if they want to disrupt, or if they’re happy to go along with the rest of the crowd. 询问供应商他们如何处理他们的路线图. 他们是喜欢领导,还是想成为学习伙伴? 如果你所看到的与你的愿景不符,你就知道这是错误的匹配.

人才借,天才偷. 向LMS清单中最好的学习.

你可以通过向最优秀的人学习来节省很多时间. 谁的企业学习文化处于最前沿? 而L&D系最能激励你,为什么? 他们用的是什么技术栈?

我对企业学习的主要启发是 亚马逊和 谷歌. 这些公司创造了分散的学习文化, 借助社交学习工具, 个人学习者可以在哪里创建引导他们发展的课程. 谷歌的 它g2g程序. 谷歌的学习文化创造了一个生态系统, 在那里,员工们不断学习新事物, 寻找新的机会, 发展新技能.”

This decentralized approach is inspirational because it trusts learners - Subject Matter Experts - to know what they need; to make a training program, 培训材料, 积极参与自己的学习过程. 它允许学习者建立一种知识共享和贡献的文化, 没有交叉检查L的所有内容&D. 它赋予人们发声的权利. 这在商业上是有意义的.

How did I know the decentralized approach was the right learning culture for my organization? 我把它与公司文化相匹配.


这是一个很大的概括, but broadly speaking there are two main types of learning cultures – top-down 和 decentralized.

自上而下的学习是L&D团队决定团队和个人需要学习什么. L&D管理集中学习材料的创建, 重点是教师指导的培训, 课程管理由L&D. 基本上,它是对人们如何学习、何时何地学习的集中控制.

Decentralized learning offers individual learners a social learning infrastructure to take their knowledge 和 development needs into their own h和s. It also fulfills the learning needs of their peers, by allowing horizontal sharing of ideas.

大多数公司提供自上而下和去中心化的混合管理.g., 鼓励在全公司范围内进行自我指导的午餐和学习, 和 providing top-down m和atory compliance training) but it’s important to know which culture is right for your business to achieve its vision.


自上而下的学习就像它听起来的那样——L&D decision-making process occurs at the highest level 和 is then communicated to the rest of the business. 这有L的好处&D .掌握kpi的所有权,例如 订婚, 监控学习的数量和质量, 并确保一些团队不会因为太多的请求而负担过重. 它保持L不变&D很忙,并在所有权的业务的学习.

假设你的公司有一个工厂,亚历克斯是仓库团队的负责人. Alex needs to communicate more effectively with the New Product Development (NPD) team. Under a top-down model, Alex won’t have the tools in place to create her own training. 她得问问L&D team to authorize or create the learning, or they might need to purchase the course on her behalf.

Top-down learning can be effective for established organizations with the resources to hire full-time learning administrators who can create course material. The learning culture also complements organizations that have longer planning cycles as they have plenty of time to develop 和 deliver course material. 根据我的经验,自上而下的学习可能会让L&影响力较小的D组. When a decision-making process comes in the form of requests, it becomes difficult for L&D有策略地工作.


Decentralized learning is most effective when your company culture is highly autonomous 和 transparent. It’s often a great fit for fast-growing businesses that need to onboard, upskill, 和 train at pace. 哪里没有大L&分散的学习可以产生大规模的影响.

让我们回到我们的仓库队长,亚历克斯. Within a decentralized learning culture, Alex is known as a “Subject Matter Expert”. This means she can create an online course (maybe through LMS software) that educates the NPD team about how the Warehouse can help them, 以及他们如何更有效地合作. 她可以在自己的职责范围内创建一条学习路径, 分享她需要的信息, 并传递给她的观众. 在这个场景中,L&D takes a consultative approach—supporting 和 advising Alex so that she can achieve her business goals.

The right technology is critical to the success of a decentralized learning culture. Employee-to-employee training requires collaborative tools that make learning activities easy to create 和 share. 社交学习功能,如实时聊天, 调查, 和 quizzes are particularly helpful because they allow learners to share their expertise 和 grow a wider learning culture.

最重要的是,必须有很高的心理安全感. 员工需要感到被授权去做 把学习掌握在自己手中 并与他人分享他们所知道的.


一旦你明确了自己的愿景和文化,就该列清单了. 为什么只有15个功能? Because it forces you to prioritize 和 focus on what’s most likely to help you achieve your vision. 这是帮助你实现目标的三个核心步骤.

步骤1 -理解您的用例

如果你的LMS不能为你的团队服务,那它还有什么用呢? 首先要确定 每个用例中的最大痛点 注意解决这些问题的特征. 例如:

If one feature solves pain points across multiple use cases, that's even better.


不确定需要什么集成? Talk with HR, IT, 和 Engineering about tech-stack integrations 和 tooling infrastructures. 了解员工数据存储的位置. 问问你的同事:一个新的LMS将如何整合? 谁将负责集成和管理更新?

Answering these questions upfront will save a lot of time 和 stress down the road. This will make sure that any Learning Management System you suggest will be frictionless for learners, 感谢你们的支持,同事们. 你的团队对技术细节越满意, 他们就越有可能喜欢你推出的平台.


这个行业的每个人都需要这样做 爱你的LMS尤其是你的学习者. It needs to be so intuitive that every learner finds it almost invisible: they don’t need to think twice. 为了增加这种情况发生的几率,你需要做用户研究. Interview your employees 和 underst和 their personal development 和 growth challenges. Let your learners explore a few LMS platforms during your Request for Proposal (RFP) period.

我建议从组织中表现最好的团队开始. How much time did they spend doing voluntary learning over the past few months? What happened the last time they used your existing learning management system?

假设你表现最好的团队是工程部, 和 no one spent more than 30 minutes on a voluntary course within the past quarter. 也许这意味着他们需要学习, Slack的集成功能有什么用. 或者内容也需要如此 更吸引人,这增加了对交互功能的需求.

把你的问题集中在最近和过去的行为上, 你会对他们的挑战得到更现实的答案. From there, you as the learning expert can derive the right features to solve them.


一旦你有了你的前15个特点,是时候变得更具体了. 根据我的经验, having three non-negotiable features makes it easier to eliminate providers at the comparison stage.

还记得我说过你应该从其他企业中汲取灵感吗? 当我从谷歌的G2G项目中获得灵感时, 很明显,我需要一个无摩擦用户体验的学习平台, 协同内容编辑, 以及直观和自动的内容共享功能. 为了实现我去中心化的愿景,这三点成为了我不可妥协的条件. If the LMS provider couldn’t excel in all three, I would discount them immediately. 这节省了我很多时间.


重点在于专注和视野. 从结果开始, 了解你的文化, 并根据管理员和学习者的需求进行优先排序. You’ll end up with fewer features to compare 和 save countless research hours in the process. 最重要的是, you’ll increase your chances of finding the provider who can truly bring your vision to life.


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