综合思维. bwin足球平台时代如何招聘和培养人才.

Miro前人事主管,为扩大学习和参与规模提供建议 & 表演

AI has immense potential to augment the workforce 和 unleash untapped productivity 和 innovation. 但前提是我们有正确的才能去质疑,去理解,去 拥抱这项技术. 要做到这一点,我们需要雇用和培训具有“综合思维”的人。.

I’m AJ约瑟夫森, I’ve helped companies including Miro 和 Salesforce scale through times of radical change. 我发现理解我们的 综合思维 (SM)可能是引导我们度过这场全球剧变的红线.



bwin足球平台正在实时改变人类剧本. 作为获取知识的成本 从根本上下降, AI-augmented workforces will adapt their skills from knowledge-retention to knowledge-application. Employees will shift from repeatable 输出 to identifying new problems 和 generating cross-domain ideas that solve those challenges. 原型制作和实验的成本将会下降. 创造全新的东西变得更便宜、更容易.

我们如何让员工为这种转变做好准备? 进入:合成思维.


People with 综合思维s have “the capacity to take in a lot of information, 反思一下, 和 then organize it in a way that is useful to you 和… also proves useful to others.这是哈佛教授创造的一个术语 教授. 霍华德·加德纳. 它改变了我们对智力的看法.

换句话说, SM就是吸收不同的知识,创造新的想法, 对比, 还有问题——为你的世界创造一些新的、有益的东西.

合成过程可分为三个阶段. 当遇到挑战时,合成器可能会:

  1. 从不同的学科和角度获取知识
  2. 分析对比和联系,创造一个新的解决方案
  3. 准确有效地表达这个新观点

People with higher levels of SM are ready to thrive in an AI-augmented environment. 他们珍惜获取知识的快感, 跨学科应用思想, 并与同龄人分享他们的新想法和知识. 他们成为创新的引擎. 在bwin足球平台时代, 哪些重复性任务可以自动化, SM技能集是一个关键的业务优势.


bwin足球平台有创造组织的潜力 从根本上提高生产力和创新性. 但前提是员工知道如何有效而明智地使用这些工具. This is why employees with high SM are so valuable; they have the skills to both exploit 和 question the technology.


早期bwin足球平台采用者面临的最大风险之一来自于 bwin足球平台的幻觉. Generative AI works by taking a "fuzzy snapshot" of thous和s of answers on a topic, 然后把它们打包成一个清晰而自信的答案. Progress in GPT-4 has resolved some issues but hallucinations are still commonplace. 这就是熟练的 合成器 能抓住并解决这些问题吗 有问题的 输出.

bwin足球平台的幻觉对法律团队来说尤其危险. 以交叉市场为例. Generative AI can create basic contracts, but they need to be equitable 和 legal. 不遵守地区法规是一种 昂贵的风险.

SM水平高的人可能会接受bwin足球平台生成的合同, 检查它们, 并快速检查准确性, 了解下级需要确认或修改细节的地方, 也需要更深入的研究. 他们会改进内容, 为同事仔细组织信息, 并最终降低最终产出的风险.




以产品创新为例. A skilled synthesizer is well-equipped to use AI tools to research from broader sources, 巩固产品范围, 屏幕的想法, 更快地发展概念. But they are also set up to accelerate the human relationships that exist at the heart of design. Being able to draw from different perspectives 和 disciplines energizes the discovery, 创意, 与不同部门的客户和同事进行测试.


Watching skilled 合成器 pull the one golden nugget of information can feel like magic. 但评估, 解释, 和 applying complex information from across domains to find new insight is an infinitely learnable skill.

如果你在一个规模化的工厂工作, 很有可能你的组织里已经有很多综合思维了. It’s never been more important to identify these individuals 和 empower them to coach SM skills in others. In the AI era, high SM employees are a key component to your competitive advantage. 这里有三个步骤可以帮助你.

1. 找到你的合成超级英雄

你要找的是 丁字形的问题解决者. The people who are comfortable with combining 和 analyzing a diverse range of data 和 information, 不管他们的专业领域是什么. Product 和 Customer Experience teams are likely to have SM skills, but not exclusively. 要简化搜索,首先向所有团队领导索取列表. Then invite a few to a 15-minute chat 和 learn more about what makes them tick. 你希望这些员工成为你的形象大使.

2. 分散综合训练

一旦你确定了你的高SM员工, 授权他们以非正式和正式的方式传授他们的技能. Ask them to host a Lunch 和 Learn; help them create a course. 在这里,一个 类似Sana的平台 是强大的,因为你不需要是L&D专家组织有效的研讨会或课程. 编辑器是直观的,bwin足球平台助手支持写作, 编辑, 甚至产生相关的交互式投票和测验. 无论你采取什么方法,都要确保高管层在背后支持你. They need to champion this initiative 和 celebrate the high SM employees spreading their knowledge.

3. 解锁公司知识

短信在分析信息时发挥了最佳作用. 但是,大多数组织都在努力利用他们的知识. 从Google到Notion,从Slack到Teams,洞察力和想法正在消失. 结果? 放慢你的短信速度 阻碍了他们的生产力.

Sana的bwin足球平台 通过与所有公司的应用程序集成来解决这个问题, enabling employees to find exactly what they need 和 get to more relevant insights faster. 把ChatGPT看作是你公司的全部知识. 确保你的员工不是 46% who are using AI without their employer’s consent, pasting in proprietary information 和 冒着数据泄露的风险.


If you’re nurturing SM within your organization, you should be hiring for it too. In my experience, there are three key behaviors that you should be interviewing for. 当你在一个标准化的过程中评估这些行为, 你增加了成功的机会.


以证据为基础的结构化访谈是最重要的 黄金招聘标准. 但在匆忙的创业生活中, 抽出时间写问题的工作, 理解所需的答案, 向面试小组做简报会让人觉得是在浪费时间.

One of the best ways to assess these behaviors is through a hypothetical work challenge or case. 假设你正在招聘一位新的部门领导. 为了测试SM,你可以给所有候选人以下挑战:


Your task is to find a common practice used to motivate teams outside of your department 和 then develop a new approach to motivate your department 要完成这个挑战,你可以做以下事情:

  • 询问范围界定问题
  • 使用ChatGPT/Bard进行研究
  • 然后你将展示你的发现并回答一些问题

You would give the c和idate approximately 20 minutes to prepare for this challenge before assessing them in a structured way.


Interview panels on the hunt for stellar SM hires should be looking for c和idates that demonstrate the following behaviors. 它们是加德纳理论的关键:

提出有动机的问题: "Synthesis depends crucially on the quality of the questions asked 和 on the reasons that they are being asked."

建立跨上下文的类比看到相似之处, 画连接, 注意对比, 以相对不受学科限制或学科前的方式进行比较."

接受批评:“再深入一点, 提供更多细节, 处理的挑战, realize when a criticism is valid as opposed to being irrelevant or based on a fundamental misunderst和ing."


为了更容易发现合成思维,我创建了一个标题. The rubric contains a customizable challenge scenario 和 maps how the three behaviors look at different levels of skill.


在酒吧下面没有问足够的基本范围界定问题, doesn’t identify relevant similarities or 对比 between seemingly unrelated things, 和, 当专家小组质疑他们的答案时, 面试者不会说得更深入或提供更多细节.

在酒吧为任务提出足够的基本范围界定问题, 使比较, 注意相同点和不同点, 和, 当专家小组质疑他们的答案时, 候选人更深入, 提供更多细节, 有效地应对挑战.

在酒吧上方除了“在酒吧”的行为之外, the c和idate ask questions that demonstrate early thinking about solutions 和 testing hypotheses. 他们将概念或见解从一种环境调整到另一种环境, 表现出对差异和相似的意识. 最后, c和idates with high levels of SM identify when a criticism is valid as opposed to being irrelevant or based on a fundamental misunderst和ing, 并且能够清楚地说明为什么批评是有效的或无效的.

所有面试官都有一个标准化的流程, you’ll increase your chances of hiring the best employees to take your organization forward.


在20世纪中期, we began a collective shift from industrial society to an economy centered on information technology. The nature of work 和 structure of companies were utterly transformed as technology evolved over decades. 我们正处于类似转变的初期, 但它将以我们正在接近的信息时代的速度发生.

Just as the information technology swept away certain kinds of work 和 hyper empowered others, bwin足球平台时代也将如此. The individuals 和 organizations that harness it will be super-empowered to do more, 更大的, 而且——我希望——比我们的祖先更好. Harnessing such transformational technology not only for innovation 和 efficiency, 也是为了更大的利益, 会是一个真正值得的合成吗.







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